Research, Interests, and Activities (RIA) System

The Research, Interests, and Activities (RIA) System was successfully launched for the disclosure of outside interests and activities, as well as financial conflict of interest (FCOI) review for all sponsored projects, thereby replacing PHS-FITS. On March 18, 2024, the RIA system was launched include all IRB protocols (replacing FIDES).


Historically, only the Principal Investigator was required to indicate, through screening questions in HS-ERA and on behalf of the other Investigators, whether any Significant Financial Interests (SFIs) needed to be reported in FIDES.


Effective March 18, all Investigators are required to submit a disclosure and, if they have any SFIs, complete a “Research Relatedness Assessment” for each protocol in RIA (i.e., indicate whether any of their SFIs are “related” to a given project).


“Investigators” in this context are defined as those who (regardless of title) are deemed to be “responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of the research.” These Investigators will need to submit a disclosure form in RIA and be cleared of any FCOIs before the study gets a “green light” in the RIA system to move forward.


If faculty have a large research portfolio and need assistance with entering their information, please contact


The recent Town Halls presented an overview of the upcoming policy and procedure changes. If you were unable to attend, please view the slide deck and recording here. Please visit the RIA website at for  complete training and support resources as well as a link to the RIA system.


How does this impact IRB review?

Beginning March 18th, the IRB office staff began checking the RIA system green light report for all initial and continuing review submissions to make sure all Investigators (as defined above) are cleared (have a green light).


The principal investigator, other investigator, and key personnel listed in HSERA have been automatically prompted to disclose in RIA. The personnel list in HSERA is feeding directly to the RIA system, for submissions that have an active status in HSERA (logged, pending, approved, approved no CR, exempted, etc.).


The IRB is scheduling submissions for convened review and screening expedited/exempt submissions, if there are pending disclosures/relatedness assessments in RIA.


Investigators are not permitted to be engaged in research on the study while disclosures and relatedness assessments of disclosed SFIs are pending. Given this initial approval is being withheld due to pending disclosures.


The IRB has been giving a grace period on conditional re-approvals of continuing reviews since March 18. However, this grace period (originally intended to be 2 weeks in length) will officially end May 31.

Beginning June 3, the IRB will begin conditionally re-approving continuing reviews where investigators are not cleared.


The IRB advises study contacts to review their personnel lists in HSERA and RIA for pending or upcoming continuing review submissions. If there are investigators who are not compliant, send reminders or indicate to the Research Integrity Office (RIO) staff that these personnel are not “responsible Investigators.”


Alternatively, consider personnel modifications to remove personnel who are non-compliant or who have left the institution or study. It is preferred that personnel modifications be submitted prior to the continuing review submission. However, at the time of the continuing review submission is also acceptable.


Additionally, when submitting personnel changes to add new personnel, ensure you are checking the RIA system after IRB processing, and ensure the individual discloses or you communicate with the Research Integrity Office that the person is not a “responsible Investigator.” This will allow more time to complete the disclosure prior to the time of continuing review. 


Commonly Asked Questions

What if someone is listed as key personnel but does not meet the definition of an Investigator? How is this designated?

Everyone listed as key personnel will be required to disclose in the system. There is no way for the study team to identify someone as not responsible. However, study contacts are excluded from disclosing under the assumption that they are not “responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of the research.” If a study contact is responsible, they should also be listed as key personnel.


The study team can provide written/email communication to the IRB that an individual is not “responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of the research.”

How will disclosures be handled for paper studies that are not in HSERA?

IRB protocols that do not exist in HSERA because they are paper-based will be subject to the new COI disclosure process when the new IRB submission system is implemented in 2025.


Will regulatory coordinators / managers have access to view which study team personnel have incomplete disclosures?

Study contacts will be able to view the green light report for the protocols on which they are listed as study contacts on the personnel page. If wider access is necessary, please contact