Some supporting documents do not require IRB review as long as they contain information that is consistent with the protocol or other IRB reviewed documents and do not include new information that would affect subjects’ willingness to take part in the study. These include:

  • Appointment reminders
  • Case report forms
  • Course curriculum content
    • When content of the course is established and will not be altered for the research study
  • Eligibility determination sheets/forms
    • Note this does not include telephone screening scripts.
  • Internet postings of study descriptions limited to content (i.e., study title, purpose, procedures, basic eligibility criteria, and how to get in touch with the study team) as long as the methods used to recruit subjects are described in the application/protocol (e.g. internet must be an approved tool for recruitment).
    • This does NOT include descriptions of risks/benefits or why someone would want to be in the study.
  • Manuals of Procedures
  • Medication or pill diaries
  • Newsletters/press releases
    • When content does not include recruitment information, describe study results specific to a participant(s), or unpublished findings/results of initial data analysis. However, participants may be sent, without IRB review, information on number of subjects enrolled, study status, and publications resulting from the study or lay language summaries of such publications.
  • Scientifically validated questionnaires that are widely recognized and accepted. 
    • The protocol must list and describe these