IRB 10

Video Conferencing/Lancaster General Hospital 555 North Duke St Lancaster, PA 17602


Video Conferencing/Cheston Conf. Room, Pennsylvania Hospital

SPCRP & IRB Present: Emergency Preparedness in Human Research


This session will provide an overview of the Response Plan for Emergencies Impacting Penn’s Human Research Protections Program (Penn IRB SOP GA 108) to ensure the rights and welfare of research participants during an emergency. This session will also review the Emergency Risk Mitigation Planning Guidance providing investigators with guidance for developing protocol-specific plans to […]

Informed Consent 101


If you are new to the IRB or want to take a deep dive into the informed consent process, please attend our Informed Consent 101 Training Session. IRB staff will cover definitions of informed consent, types of consent, required elements of consent, waivers of consent, and more. This session will be relevant to all schools […]


Video Conferencing/Human Research Protections Program Office of the Institutional Review Board 3600 Civic Center Blvd, 9th Floor

Social Behavioral IRB 101


If you are new to the IRB and in need of some guidance, please attend one of our IRB 101 Training Sessions. IRB staff will cover the basic types of submissions including initial applications, continuing review, modifications, deviations, and reportable events. Staff will also provide brief information about the upcoming new submission system, HRAP. However, […]


Video Conferencing/Human Research Protections Program Office of the Institutional Review Board 3600 Civic Center Blvd, 9th Floor


Video Conferencing/Human Research Protections Program Office of the Institutional Review Board 3600 Civic Center Blvd, 9th Floor

Biomedical IRB 101


If you are new to the IRB and in need of some guidance, please attend one of our IRB 101 Training Sessions. IRB staff will cover the basic types of submissions including initial applications, continuing review, modifications, deviations, and reportable events. Staff will also provide brief information about the upcoming new submission system, HRAP. However, IRB 101 will […]


Video Conferencing/Human Research Protections Program Office of the Institutional Review Board 3600 Civic Center Blvd, 9th Floor