IRB Member Review Resources

This page contains resources for members of the University of Pennsylvania’s 8 Institutional Review Boards.

IRB Member Review Toolbox


Below are worksheets, tools, and guidance documents to guide the various reviews and determinations the committee must make when reviewing various submissions. Email your completed worksheet and revised documents to your IRB Administrator at least 2 days prior to the meeting.

Tools for Initial Reviews

Primary Reviewer Worksheet

Utilize this worksheet to review an initial submission, if you are assigned as the primary reviewer.

Secondary Reviewer Worksheet

Utilize this worksheet to review the informed consent, if you are assigned as a secondary reviewer.

Pragmatic-CE Clinical Trial Ethical Review Tool

Utilize this worksheet when reviewing a comparative effectiveness study.

Tools for Ongoing Reviews


Utilize this worksheet when reviewing a modification submission.

Continuing Reviews

Utilize this worksheet when reviewing a continuing review submission.


Utilize this worksheet when reviewing a deviation to conduct an assessment of serious noncompliance and/or continuing noncompliance.

Reportable Events

Utilize this worksheet when reviewing a reportable event to determine if it may be an unanticipated problem.

Other Review Tools

Subpart D: Inclusion of Children

Utilize this worksheet to assess parental permission and assent requirements if the protocol includes minors under the age of 18.

Subpart B: Inclusion of Pregnant Individuals

Utilize this worksheet to assess the acceptability of including pregnant women as participants.

Subpart C: Inclusion of Prisoners

Utilize this worksheet to assess the acceptability of including prisoners in research.


Utilize this worksheet if the IRB needs to make a device risk determination or IDE Exemption.


Utilize this worksheet if the IRB needs to make an IND exemption determination.

Ethical Principles


The Penn IRB recognizes and references the guiding ethical principles for human subject’s research that have been set forth in the following documents. Click each document to download a copy.

IRB Member Review Guidance

Below is supplemental regulatory guidance to assist with member reviews.

Regulatory Guidance

IRB Criteria for Approval

Federal regulations outline several criteria that must be satisfied in order for the IRB to approve research. When reviewing submissions, ensure all of the criteria have been considered and are met. Click below to review the Quick Reference for Criteria For Approval.

IRB Determination Guidance

The IRB may make a variety of determinations as a result of its review of research at initial review and ongoing reviews. The guidance below outlines and defines these various determinations.

Data & Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP)

Research that is greater than minimal risk should have a Data & Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP) designed based on complexity and risk of the protocol. Click below for guidance on data and safety monitoring.

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